Technician Commitment hosts first signatory event in Wales

Signatory events are hosted by Technician Commitment as an opportunity for signatory and supporter leads to hear and engage with sector updates, share best practice and network with leaders of technical talent across the UK.

This was the 12th signatory event hosted by the Technician Commitment and the first to have taken place outside of England.

The event welcomed over 100 delegates representing 90+ universities, research institutions and supporter organisations, at Techniquest in Cardiff.

At the event, the Technician Commitment launched a new report: ‘Inception to Impact: Seven Years of the Technician Commitment’, a collection of case studies reflecting on progress made by institutions who have been part of the initiative since 2017.

The Wales Innovation Network (WIN), Cardiff University and GW4 Alliance also attended, showcasing new networks, commitments and initiatives aligning with the Technician Commitment pillars of visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability.

Dr Kelly Vere MBE, Director of Technician Commitment and the UK Institute for Technical Skills & Strategy (ITSS) began the day with introductions, alongside a short update on Technician Commitment activities provided by Mel Leitch, Associate Lead, Technician Commitment.

Dr Simon Breeden, Associate Lead, Technician Commitment, updated delegates on ITSS workstreams followed by a workshop focussed on shaping the TC Index.

Talks on technical career promotions and pathways were delivered by Jan Brett, Faculty Strategic Technical Lead, University of Liverpool and Ian Hancox, Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy, University of Warwick.

Jo Hartley-Metcalfe, Universities T Level Support Manager, ITSS, shared the current landscape of universities hosting T Levels and the benefits for increasing higher education and research institute provision of this qualification.

Dr Natalie Homer, Senior Research Fellow and Core Manager, University of Edinburgh was joined by Ian Hancox to share future plans for the UK Technology Specialists Network (TSN) following a successful £1.8m bid from EPSRC’s Strategic Technical Platform call.

Dr Clare Stevenson, Associate Lead, Technician Commitment presented on the Technician Commitment Collaboration Fund followed by two presentations of projects supported by our 2024 call:

  1. Sam Jackson, Tools and Technology Platforms Manager, UK Dementia Research Institute, shared outreach plans for engaging with disadvantaged schools to develop and encourage technical careers.
  2. Kate Dixon, Head of Technical Services, Manchester Met University, presented plans of network building, equipment sharing and knowledge exchange within the ever growing Northwest Network.

We were proud to partner with the Wales Innovation Network (WIN) which facilitates collaboration across universities in Wales, harnessing the diversity of research and innovation to create economic and societal impact.

Lewis Dean, Head of Wales Innovation Network (WIN) explained that WIN has established the WIN Technicians’ Network, building a technical community to share best practice and strengthen research infrastructure.

Dr Juliana Rinaldi-Semione, Research Felow, MI TALENT, closed the daytime agenda with a call to action for technical professionals to complete and share the TALENT Impact Survey before Tuesday 28 May.

Delegates were invited to reconvene for an evening reception where we presented submission and impact awards, and heard speeches from

  • Lewis Dean and David Noakes, Chair of WIN’s Technicians Network
  • Abigail Phillips MS, Head of Innovation, Welsh Government
  • Professor Wendy Larner, President and Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University
  • Mark Dabee Saltmarsh, Technician Demonstrator, Cardiff Metropolitan University and Technical Council member, ITSS.

Professor Wendy Larner, President and Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University also announced GW4 Alliance’s pledge to support technical staff through the endorsement of the TALENT Commission recommendations.

Mark Dabee Saltmarsh, Technician Demonstrator, Cardiff Metropolitan University and Technical Council member, ITSS said:
"As a technician in a Welsh university, I wholeheartedly welcome and support initiatives like the Technician Commitment, WIN, and the UK Institute for Technical Skills & Strategy. These initiatives are instrumental in professionalising, recognising, and supporting technical staff like myself, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of our work within the higher education sector.”

Carly Dellar, Operations Manager, Technician Commitment said:
“It is immensely valuable to have as many organisations, disciplines and levels of expertise represented at our signatory events. This has always been a grassroots effort to inspire and enact culture change for technical professionals who support vital teaching and research. I am proud of how far the Technician Commitment has come these last seven years and look forward to continue driving change together.

“Thank you to the Wales Innovation Network for their collaborative efforts and Techniquest for providing an engaging and interactive experience for all those who travelled near and far to join us in Wales.”

See the presentations here.

View event photos here.

Find out more about the UK Institute for Technical Skills and Strategy.

Find out more about the Wales Innovation Network.

Interested in signing up your institution to the Technician Commitment? Email us at