She is one of the Deputy Chairs on the People Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP), which will develop strategies to support recognition of a diversity of roles, careers and career stages within REF 2029 development, delivery, and assessment and to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) throughout REF 2029.
It will work alongside the Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP), advising the REF Steering Group on:
- development and delivery of the exercise, acting as critical friends
- advise on the development of REF 2029 assessment criteria and the delivery of the assessment and
- contribute to the REF 2029 assessment process.
REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system.
Rebecca Fairbairn, REF Director, said:
“Each REF exercise is an evolution from the last, and REF advisory panels play an important part in that. Our new advisory panels will embed knowledge and expertise on the diversity of people, approaches to, and forms of research that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s research base. We are delighted to have been able to build panels full of people with the skills and experience needed to shape our criteria-setting and assessment processes from all four nations and from a variety of institutions.”
Kelly Vere, University Director of Technical Strategy, University of Nottingham also commented.
I’m delighted to be appointed as a Deputy Chair of The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029 People and Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP). I’m excited to work with this wonderful group, and happy that, as a member of the technical community, I can contribute to the development of REF 2029. Together with the Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP), we will help to shape a Research Excellence Framework that advances equality, diversity, and inclusion, and ensures recognition for all roles, contributions, and career stages within the UK research and innovation ecosystem.”