Blog: Technical Healing

William Boardman, Teaching Technician, School of Anatomy, University of Bristol.

Ever since the world changed last year, and subsequently student dissection classes have mostly been replaced by virtual learning, the technical team has been left twiddling their thumbs slightly. 

By using this time to create new teaching specimens, I have found myself listening to more and more podcasts while dissecting. 

I often have conversations with my colleague, Charlie Tanner, comparing podcasts we are listening to and recommending new shows to each other. 

We pondered the idea of creating our very own podcast focusing on mental health and well-being (another topic that we both regularly and passionately discuss). 

Surrounded by experts, at the University of Bristol, we thought if we interviewed an expert from different schools and faculties, we could gather information, theories, and advice that listeners could choose and apply the bits that are suitable to their personalities and situations. 

We felt that while we are living through these difficult circumstances, with so many people isolated and anxious, our podcast could provide tips on boosting mental health and provide an entertaining insight to the amazing people of Bristol. 

The whole process has been hard work and has taken a lot of planning, but we have enjoyed the experience immensely and now have a podcast that is available on platforms, such as Spotify and iTunes, that are receiving more downloads than we expected at this stage.

We are still complete beginners and there is so much to improve but the feedback we have received for our first episodes only inspires us to continue and be better. 

For anybody that would like to listen to the Technical Healing podcast, the links are below. Follow us on social media to keep up with exciting new episodes.

We hope that you enjoy Technical Healing.

Listen to Technical Healing here:


Apple podcasts:
