Blog: Heather Reeve, Technician at Bradford University

I have been a technician since June 2016, where I started out in a Polymer Research laboratory Chemistry at Bradford University. I recently moved to working as a Support Teaching Technician in December.

I began my technical career just before I graduated from Bradford University from my MChem Chemistry degree. During the first few months I was often left to run 2 laboratories on my own, as they did not have another technician. I was giving advice to post-graduate students, researchers and academics. I learnt a lot about being a technician during this time and when this post finished, I moved to the teaching laboratories which was a new challenge for me.

Academics at Bradford University are very good at recognising the technicians involved in their teaching classes. They ensure we are involved with the development of new practicals, and often come to us with laboratory based issues including development of apparatus to complete a task.

I also love engaging with students to help them through their degree - not just on an academic front but a personal one as well, as it isn’t that long ago that I was a student myself so I often understand their stress or worries. Particularly during this time of uncertainty I have spoken to a lot of students who don’t know what to do whilst in isolation. I have often suggested to students that it is good to have a hobby alongside their studying. I usually share pictures of my own hobby with them to encourage them to find their own creativity, which often helps them see that there is a different side of me that they don’t see in the laboratory. My hobby involves making items from beads including flowers and jewellery, students are often shocked by the intricate detail my crafting involves and the concentration required to make such items.

As an early career technician I think some of the issues with stability of technicians is we are often seen as the hidden people of a field, therefore not being shown for what we do and who we are. In order to encourage technicians at a younger age we need to show we aren’t a one skilled person - we need to show off our work and skills for everyone to see.